Flash Movie Review: Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game
I WAS THE ONLY KID WHO was too afraid to dive off from the high diving board. On a large family trip, several cars of relatives drove to a resort area in a neighboring state. When we arrived at the...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Descendant
I AM STARING AT THESE PHOTOGRAPHS and had no idea who the people were in them. The photos were quite old because the edges were frayed, and the black and white images were faded. The people were...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: A Million Miles Away
AT THE SAME TIME, I WAS getting certified to teach aerobics, there was a guy going through the process. Back then in the aerobic world, men were in the minority. Before the session started, he and I...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Dumb Money
I WAS STANDING IN LINE WITH a variety of people that I believed were the perfect representation of woman and mankind. There appeared to be individuals from every race, ethnic, religious and...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: The Color Purple
BEFORE I MET HIM, I WAS told he was the “life of the party.” He was part of a couple who was joining us for dinner. They were invited by mutual friends of ours; I had no reason to object. We met at a...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Maestro
I PROBABLY WAS HEARING MUSIC BEFORE I could even understand what sounds I was hearing. Music was always playing in our house and since I was the last one to be born, I had at birth a vast catalog of...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: NYAD
I WAS FORTUNATE THAT I NEVER injured myself while teaching one of my fitness classes. My good fortune came about from a discussion I had with one of my earliest directors at the fitness center. When I...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Rustin
THROUGH THE YEARS, I HAVE HAD the good fortune and just plain good old luck to have met activists for various causes I believed in. One man was only a couple of years older than me, but his wisdom and...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Hit Man
BEFORE I COMMIT TO A NEW job, I must first see myself in that position. I cannot imagine I am the only person who acts this way. When I decided to become certified to be a fitness instructor, I used...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Thelma
THOSE WHO KNOW ME WELL, KNOW I will not open any links they send me via text or email unless they have specifically called me to say they were sending it to me. Some may think my fear borders on...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: The Fall Guy
WHEN ONE IS YOUNG, THEY WILL do foolish things. Add in the love factor and whatever common sense is left gets pushed to the side. Why does it take one’s older self to realize that? Back when I was...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: The Long Game
UNTIL I SAW THE INSIDE OF another high school, I did not realize how many things my school did not have for its students. I am not complaining because I honestly do not feel I missed out on anything;...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Transformers One
WHEN I WAS INVITED OVER, I thought there was going to be only a few people visiting. There were a little more than that. My friend’s sister was visiting from out of town; we had all grown up together,...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: We Live in Time
WHEN YOU ARE BEING ASKED, “DO you take this person to be your lawfully wedded…in sickness and health,” the answer is not, “Maybe, I do.” I have known a small group of couples where one of them became...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Hard Miles
THE FIRST TIME I PLAYED BASEBALL and dropped the ball when it came out to me in left field, I realized I did not like being on a team. The amount of disappointment I felt was overwhelming and I hated...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Conclave
THROUGHOUT MY SCHOOL YEARS, I WAS never great with testing. Whether it was scheduled or a pop quiz, I struggled with it. Gratefully, early on, I realized I would have to study harder for tests and...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: The Room Next Door
I CONSIDERED MYSELF LUCKY THAT I did not have to encounter death until I was thirteen years old. A close relative had passed away in what I now consider to be a quick manner. There was no sign or...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Companion
A RELATIVE OF MINE JUST NEEDED to vent and knows I always have an open ear. She was telling me about her son who desperately wanted to be in a love relationship. The more I heard, the less I thought...
View ArticleFlash Movie Review: Speak No Evil
ONE OF THE CHALLENGES I FACED when dating was figuring out the person’s sense of humor. I found it difficult to do on a blind date or on a first date. My humor leans toward the sarcastic, so I felt I...
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