Channel: 3 1/4 stars – moviejoltz
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Flash Movie Review: Enough Said

Meeting friends is an important component of the dating process, but it is something I prefer holding off from until I see we are getting comfortable with each other. You can say what you want but that...

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Flash Movie Review: Blue is the Warmest Color

There is something special about one’s first love. I am not talking about a school crush; it is the first serious love where you think you could spend your entire life with that one incredible person....

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Flash Movie Review: Saving Mr. Banks

There is a place where all the should do’s, have to do’s and suppose to do’s in life cannot infiltrate; it is in one’s memories. Some of these remembrances may be average such as a friend’s phone...

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Flash Movie Review: Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

Almost every town, neighborhood and village has its own folk tales. In the neighborhood where I grew up there were 2 houses that all of us kids believed were haunted. One house was perched on the...

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Flash Movie Review: The Lego Movie

It does not come with batteries nor does it need to run with any other power source. What I am referring to is our imagination and creativity. From the back porch of the 3rd floor apartment I grew up...

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Flash Movie Review: The Edge of Heaven

There was no other option because we were hungry. A line of people standing outside the front door was how we determined the restaurant had to have good food. The problem was the way it served the food...

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Flash Movie Review: Chef

The earth’s population is divided into 2 groups, those who eat to live and those who live to eat. I walk a fragile line between the two camps and frequently fall off depending on how the day is going...

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Flash Movie Review: To Be Takei

Each of us has been a victim at one time or another, though you may not have known it. Maybe it was the restaurant host who did not like the way you were dressed, so they told you there was over an...

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Flash Movie Review: Snowpiercer

I am curious to know where it first began how the mindset of one being wealthy equated to being better than someone else. From various news and media sources I have seen, I definitely can see being...

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Flash Movie Review: St. Vincent

There was a time you could find a commune in the heart of a big metropolitan city. It was called an apartment building; I should know, because I grew up in one of them. Everyone knew everyone else in...

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Flash Movie Review: John Wick

It can cut across all age groups. I am not saying it is right nor am I condoning it, even though I have done it myself. If you never acted it out there is a good possibility you have seen someone else...

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Flash Movie Review: Citizenfour

There was nothing unusual as we climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor apartment. The darkly polished wooden door creaked open into a shadowless stillness. As I entered the apartment a flash of light...

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Flash Movie Review: The Theory of Everything

If you happen to trip or fall and break a bone, it usually can get fixed. Joints after years of an active lifestyle are now being replaced with high-tech metal products. However, when the body is...

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Flash Movie Review: Wild

It may start as a single tear that slipped out of the eye, leaving a trail of moist sadness. As time trudges on its unsteady path, the sadness builds up into waves that defy tidal logic, washing over...

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Flash Movie Review: ’71

It is amazing how quickly they know who to cull from the group. As their eyes narrow to focus on the fidgeting, meandering members of the group; their minds are already in “attack” mode. There are 2...

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Flash Movie Review: Ex Machina

It drives me crazy when a computer function does not work. On the monitor a small warning pops up and tells me the procedure failed; then has the nerve to make me press the “okay” button like I have a...

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Flash Movie Review: Micmacs

Whether I am a witness or a recipient to any type of injustice, I still get angry either way. A friend of mine bought living room furniture from a well known retailer. When it was delivered, a marble...

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Flash Movie Review: Spy

It sometimes starts with a kind word or gesture that plants a seed inside of you. This seed only needs your hopes and desires for it to flourish into a full emotional relationship that is only in your...

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Flash Movie Review: Mr. Holmes

Presently when I look towards what my future may be, I cannot make out any distinct elements to it. As if just beginning to wake from a slow long slumber in the middle of a morning fog, retirement has...

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Flash Movie Review: The Gift

Those words that get spoken to you may wind up lining the path of your life with land mines. Sadly the speaker of those words may not even be conscious of the destruction they will be causing you....

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